In June, incoming Loyola High School friends William, JP, and Jonas, traveled to Nicaragua to do service work on behalf of the NICA Student Ambassador Program.  This chapter of NICA, a 501©(3) organization, was started by JP and his sister Johanna. The NICA Fund works to connect students in the USA with students in El Transito, Nicaragua, and build a partnership which supports and encourages success in school.
Here are some of William’s reflections:  “Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, after Haiti.  Many of the approximately 2,000 residents in El Transito, a fishing community in Northwest Nicaragua, earn less than $3.00 per day.  The average house has no running water, no septic or sewage systems, and sporadic electricity service. The town has a tiny government run health clinic, and this is the only place in the area where persons can obtain medical care.  We decided this that health clinic was the best home for the Dollies and Teddy Bears, as they could be given to children visiting the clinic who were unwell or frightened. Â
The first two photos below are from our visit to the small, three-roomed clinic. Â They show how pleased Manuel (age 5) was to get a Teddy Bear! Â The remaining Dollies and Teddy Bears were given to the clinic nurse to be distributed to any critically ill children who would come into the clinic. Â The NICA Fund emailed me the third photo of a girl who just received one of the Dollies! Â Thank to you Dollies Making A Difference for this opportunity.”