Children’s Surgery International (CSI), a medical mission team from Minneapolis, MN, visited Thanh Hoa, Vietnam for the first time.  When their team of medical professionals arrived, they were surprised to find three times the number of patients they had expected to serve.  The medical team – which included doctors specializing in Ear Nose Throat, and Urology  – worked tirelessly and scheduled as many children as possible for a wide variety of surgeries. Not only did we send many Dollies and Teddy Bears with our friends from CSI, but we also awarded them a Dollies Making A Difference financial grant of $2000 to “provide funds for children over the age of 6, who need surgery but whose families cannot afford health insurance.”
To read more about their visit, take a look at their website and click on BLOG. Here is an excerpt: “Tuesday, Day 2 of surgery, we were ready at the crack of dawn as a complete team!  Patients were gathered from various locations in the hospital and the process began again. Bubbles were flowing to entertain anxious children in pre-op. Grateful families were cradling their children. Wonderful handmade dolls and teddy bears donated by the volunteers of Dollies Making A Difference were distributed to patients in post-op as well as donated beautiful fleece blankets.”Â