The Joy of serving as a Dollie Ambassador

May 10, 2017 Blog Post

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So often we focus on the joy a child experiences when he or she receives a Dollie or Teddy Bear.

But we can never forget the joy a Dollie Ambassador experiences when she makes that special connection with a child, through the simple act of handing her a cloth Dollie or Teddy Bear, made with love!

Too many times to count Dollie Ambassador Chantal Prunier has traveled the world taking our Dollies and Teddy Bears with her each time.  This trip was to Tibet.

Could YOU be a Dollie Ambassador?  Will you be traveling on a medical mission or making humanitarian visit to a medical clinic, school or orphanage?  Are you working with a disaster relief group where children are in need of special care?  Do you volunteer at a safe house shelter for women and children?  Are you a teenager traveling with a church group or on a school sponsored service trip where you will be meeting children who would love a Dollie or Teddy to hold close to their heart?

There are so many ways to serve as a Dollie Ambassador.

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