
September 25, 2013 Blog Post

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We have been working on a special “order” the past few weeks.  Elaine Benditson, the Sr. Development Officer at International Medical Corps (IMC) phoned us. “Could we create some special dollies for children in Japan?”

IMC, a worldwide disaster relief organization, was an emergency responder in Japan on March 21, 2011 when a massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami devastated the northern coast cities, leveling entire communities and causing over 20,000 deaths. The subsequent radiation crisis caused by the nuclear plant accident in Fukushima forced many families to leave their homes.  Over two years later it is still unsafe for them to return, and so they live in temporary housing or in rented apartments.

As is practice with IMC, the strong relationships which are formed during a disaster continue on for many years to follow. Elaine said that the director of the Japan arm of IMC would be visiting the United States this month, and was eager to take our dollies and colorful teddy bears back with her to the children she works with in Fukushima.  These children struggle with ongoing feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and fear.  Elaine said, “We both know what a handmade dollie could do to help a child who is afraid and anxious.  Your dollies will certainly make a difference to the evacuee-children at the day care center we are supporting in Fukushima – the city’s very first!” 

These dollies are a different design than the dollies we usually create, which meant Sofia and Dorothy had to make adjustments to the design of the dress, and shorts underneath.  BUT we LOVE challenges, and before long we sent off 55 long limbed ladies and 10 colorful teddy bears to children in Japan!

For more information on the good work of IMC:  www.InternationalMedicalCorps.org

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