Dollies Making A Difference is a group of women who create one-of-a-kind Dollies and Teddy Bears to send to children all over the world who are in need of something special, made just for them, with love and compassion.

We are especially thankful for our big-hearted couriers, our Dollie Ambassadors, who carefully transport our dollies all over the world, and hand them out one by one to the children for whom they are intended, with love and respect. We never cease to be amazed and touched by the stories our Ambassadors bring home to share with us…to say nothing of the heart-warming photos!


We are also most appreciative of the persons outside our organization, “Friends of Dollies” who work alongside us, supporting us with their talent, creativity, and ideas.  One such organization is the The Stitch by Stitch Club in West LA whose members crochet endless numbers of colorful blankets which we wrap around each dollie and teddy before we send them on their way.  The ladies from The Carpenteria Community Church Women’s Association contribute greatly by helping with the machine sewing of the dresses, shirts and shorts, while also crocheting dollies blankets and making pillowcase dresses.


Sometimes we break away from our work on dollies and teddy bears, and we respond to requests to focus on service projects to benefit our local community.  In early February we create hundreds of hand-made valentines which we donate to UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital. These works-of-art are distributed to delighted patients young and old by service dogs from The People Animal Connection. In October we make intricate spider webs from branches wrapped in multi-colored strings and yarn, which we donate to the YMCA to enhance the appearance of their Pumpkin Patch. One year we “yarn bombed” a cluster of trees which attracted large numbers of visitors to the Pumpkin Patch, hence bringing customers to their primary fundraiser.  In December we collect donations to fund a gift to the Santa Monica Food Bank, to help families who need it most.


Will you partner with us?  Please help us identify persons or organizations with an interest in taking our dollies along with them on a humanitarian visit, a medical mission, or a first response disaster trip.  Perhaps you know of a children’s hospital, orphanage, health clinic, or nursery school program where there are children who would delight in receiving a dollie or teddy bear to brighten their day.